
Tour Journal: Timber Timbre at the Church of the Redeemer

This really isn't a tour journal entry per-say. My trip to the venue only took 15 minutes. But this was one of the greatest gigs I've ever been a part of. My experience with Timber Timbre has been short but very eye opening. It almost literally went from watching Taylor Kirk with rapt attention during a show in London Ontario (at the soon to be infamous "venue", 33 Yale) to performing along side him to packed houses, shaking hands with some of my idols. I helped the founder of Arts and Crafts, Jefferey Remedios find a good burrito and I awkwardly discussed mutual acquaintances with Gentleman Reg.

The night before Friday's CD release at the Church of the Redeemer consisted of something that we, as a band, had yet to do.... rehearse. For the first time in the 5 or so shows I've been involved with, we got together and hammered out a set list. The notes from Taylor were brief "Shawn should play this melody.... Mika should come in here...". The goal was figuring out how to stay off of each others toes.

The next day we arrived at the Church at about 4pm. By the time all of our gear was in, Aaron (the greatest stage manager in the business) already had most of it set up. A luxury we just aren't that accustomed to. Our sound check went off with very little problems, and the waiting game began.

The doors opened at 7, by that time we were informed it was sold out (sort of, when you consider almost half the crowd was guest list... 80% of the guest list where for Arts and Crafts, they have a lot of friends). There were quite a few turned away at the door. The show began with a set by Emma McKenna. Emma sings these slightly grunge-induced pop songs, accompanied by here electric guitar and a few percussion instruments. Her voice at times reminded me of Sinead O'Connor, jumping from mid-range melodies to high heavily vibrato-ed yelps. She has a lot of promise, but I don't think she's quite there yet. Little things like Mic placement and stronger guitar work would improve her set immensely, although a lot of that could just be nerves. Either way she had the audience focused and did what any good opener does, gets them warmed up for the main act.

photo by Jackman Chui

The lights dimmed. We were now lit up by candles and the back lighting behind the stain glassed windows. The mood was perfect. We kicked into an uninterrupted three song suite, at the end the audience exploded. I always find it amazing how focused Taylor's audience can be. All eyes are ahead, and they're so incredibly appreciative. It's really the dream of every performer.

We played all 8 songs from the album, lap steel player Simon Trottier and Violinist Mika Posen where on the top of their games. It was a pleasure to play along side them. We left the stage, and where immediately brought back on for 2 more songs, There is a Cure and It's Only Dark. That was a particularly fun pairing of songs, we bridged them with a slow building ambient jam, consisting of a series of bird calls and loops. When we finally moved into It's Only Dark, the audience gave one of the biggest cheers of the night. It was all very exciting for us.

Photo by Jackman Chui

Anyways, Thanks to all who made the show, I'd love to hear what you thought if you were there. Also, if you're looking to see Timber Timbre again, they'll be at Hillside Festival in Guelph this Saturday night, I'm not sure if I'll be there or not, but if so, please say hello!


Lesley Myrick said...

The show was AWESOME. The music, the ambiance, the audience - it was one of the most captivating shows I've seen. Excellent job, boys and girl. :)

historyjen said...

Sorry I couldn't be there, but I spotted you all at the Tranzac later :-) Glad the show went so well.

Shawn William Clarke said...

Yeah it was great! How was the rest of the show (I only caught a bit of one act... not sure who... wasn't really into it)?

historyjen said...

I saw Chris Yang and then Gavin Gardiner (from The Wooden Sky). But then I left and went to the Boat to help Keith Hamilton celebrate 400 shows, and dance to Marienbad and OPOPO. :-)

Shawn William Clarke said...

sounds like a good night!

Colin said...

Wish I could have made it to this show. I first saw Timber Timbre in 2006 in Peterborough. Back then he was just playing by himself using loop pedals. I've been a fan ever since and saw him play many many shows all on his own, but I must say I really enjoyed seeing him play with Simone and Mika and yourself, which I caught back in May at the Over the Top Festival. Sounds like you're having a great time playing as well!