
Track of the Week: All My Days by Alexi Murdoch

I recently got a chance to see the new film "Away We Go" at the Carlton Theater. It's a sweet film, that had me smiling and crying (shut up), and left me feeling happy and a bit sad (fueled in no small part by my personal life). I had to stay around for the credits for two reasons, to compose myself, and catch who was responsible for many of the songs. That person is Alexi Murdoch.

The Nick Drake influence is obvious in his music. Murdoch's songs were perfect companions to the film. His music isn't the type to change the world, and maybe (like Damien Rice before him) I may find myself quickly moving away from his sound, but for this moment in my life, nothing could be more succinct. Maybe you'll find the same.

Come back tomorrow, when I'll have part one of my interview with Revival Dear's Eddie Orso!

1 comment:

Lesley Myrick said...

I downloaded the soundtrack the other day...it's lovely. Thanks for being my movie date. :)