
Toronto Love

Hey there. Well, it's been a crazy few days for the city of Toronto, and the fall out will be felt for sometime. I'm not here to give my opinions on what went down at the G20. There are far too many questions, and far too much information to get things together so soon. Today I want to send a little love out to my city.

Earlier this week, Jessica from the blog Roundletters, asked if she could post my love song to the city, "To Think I Once Was Lost". She felt like the song kept her sane through the weekend, and wanted to share it with her readers. I though that was a great idea, so not only did I let her post it on her blog, I made it a free download for anyone who wanted it. So, I'm inviting my readers (you guys and gals!) to do the same. Feel free to click the link provided and download the song. Tell me what you think in the comments section. Let's spread a little love today!


If you dig the song, and want to hear more, you can always help a brother out and check out my iTunes account here:

Shawn Clarke on i-Tunes

I hope all is well, and Happy Canada Day!!


Alexis said...

Perfect. You're perfect.

Lady Grey said...

I love this song, Shawn! Love your blog too : )